Be prepared for the next great transfer of wealth. Buy physical silver and storable food. / By Jeff Berwick / July 10, 2013
The cognitive dissonance about the dollar never fails to amaze me. People know in their bones that their dollars will be worth a lot less in the future…yet they continue to trust and cling to the dollar as a store of value. They invest in things denominated in dollars that pay interest well below the rate of inflation. Or they go for all out gambling in the stock market to have a hope of outpacing inflation enough to build a tiny bit of wealth to leave to their grandkids.
Commodities like copper with an industrial demand may fall in price — even drastically — in the midst of a global depression. But the 30% or so drop in the price of something like copper will be running hard against the US government’s need to inflate away the value of the US dollar by having the Fed create new money to buy up more and more government debt. Inflation tends to outpace falling prices due to falling demand. The folks at Wells Fargo understand this and seem to be trying to help clear up some of the public confusion.
The funniest part of this advertisement is that the essential truth it spoke was unintentional. The unwitting ad copywriter from Wells Fargo likely meant to tell you that if you invest in “other things”, your money will be worth more tomorrow. But what actually ended up happening is that he spoke the truth about the dollar… and the entire fiat currency system.
Thanks to BrotherJohnF